
Is there universal respect?

Since few years I am being more and more knowldgeable about cultural difference and it importance varies a lots culture to culture. While you are a person have huge curicity to know more about human civilization, then You may have some question in your mind about all those sensivity of greetings with people. Specially if you are a traveller and travelling through different countries definately you have been experinced with differences and respectful manners in different countries and if you are planning to travel in near future or afterward maybe this content will help you adopt easily with another world. Every person deserve respect from surrounding people. It’s help to building confidence for his or her  personality.

Definately respect isn’t same universally, it’s a perspective opinions obtain by different regions and culture. As example If I’m calling my dad or mother with their name it very disrespectful according to indian as well as south east asian and middle-eastern cultural perspective. On other hand It’s very normal by western culture to call parents by their name though I wouldn’t say that they don’t call dad or mom but I mean in general its not disrespectful manner.

Once you don’t get it from someone that you care about you will loose something or going to build something new, which supposed to not happening in your future but it’s happened by very successful people in the world. You must decide, which one you deserve to be successful or looser.

One thought on “Is there universal respect?

  1. That’s one of the biggest mistakes that mothers teach their children!
    And the children spend the rest of their lives looking for it and it just is not there!
    Talk about nonsense! No disrespect! 😳

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