COVID-19 : Talk Makes Difference..
Optically it looks so beautiful but functionality is completely opposite. I don’t have words that how to describe that the Codid-19 isn’t only a virus, rather than a scary situation, which is a dangerous threat to human civilization. In the past of human civilization, some of the well-developed civilizations vanished somehow for some reason that we don’t have enough evidence to explain the reasons for the demolition of those civilizations such as Mexican civilization or Mahenzodaro civilizations. Depth of the coronavirus threat giving an indirect clue for the past destructions.
We don’t know where is the end of this. it’s not the first time in human history though it’s not the actual time to compare with the past histories because it’s continuing toward an unknown fate
With time we will know different kind of assumptions and predictions based blame on each other that the covid-19 have been created under the guidance of superpowers such as the USA, China or Russia to kill millions of people with the excuse of own security but accidentally or intensionally the product is out of the laboratory
There isn’t the reason that we can’t accept that growing anti-Chinese economic collaboration countries started their experiment from Chinese land to punish the Chinese economy with the support of tempted world leaders but it’s not the end of the story as history show us an example that if there wasn’t huge punishment on Germany after WW-I then WW-II couldn’t happen.
It can be a master plan by a company to expand their medicine business worldwide for that Covid-19 created inside the laboratory and experimenting on human civilization and enjoying the situation due to depth of dangerousness will bring the huge volume of profit
Who knows….? Maybe it will remain as mystry…

We all know very well about President Donald Trump and his funny personality and behaviors….said.. ‘We are at a critical time‘

Emmanuel Macron on coronavirus: ‘We’re at war’

Usually, German Chancellor Angela Merkel doesn’t do drama as American President Donald Trump or Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi but She has broken her usual behavior by using three german words “Es ist ernst,” which is in English “This is serious”. That’s it and the world understood the importance of her three words.

Mr. Narendra Modi the most dramatic person but he has huge numbers of fans in India for his dramatic speech. He’s a very charismatic dialog to prevent covid-19 is “Clap our hands”. As well as some of his pro-Hindutva party members and ministers are suggesting citizens drink cow urine to fight with covid-19 and organizing cow urine parties.
Swami Chakrapani Maharaj, president of the Hindu Mahasabha—a century-old organization that advocates Hindutva (or “Hinduness”)—declared that “consuming cow urine and cow dung will stop the effect “